Hi Cynthia, thank you for sharing your ideas on what adjustments we can do to the pandemic.Ā  I agree that setting a deadline for work timeline and using telephone and video for reports are effective ways to maintain and control the work processes. However, I think the ‘performance pay base on output’ is not easy to value withĀ complex tasks such as projectsĀ thatĀ involveĀ amountĀ andĀ currency, or projects within a team. I agree that the performance pay can be applied perhaps as bonus pay. This bonus pay can be easy as time in into group chat on time bi-weekly or set aĀ target goal to achieve with a time.Ā 

Hi Utkarch, thank you for sharing your thought about how online tools help students in learning and the disadvantage behind that. Since this pandemic start, traditional classroom-style education has changed to online. Even though it was not easy for our first step, thisĀ became an educationalĀ evolution we’ve been arguing for a long about the effectiveness of online classes andĀ digital books. ThisĀ modification although decrease the physical distance for educators and students, but in fact creates more interaction within students in the same course, for example, we are more active in sharing opinions and thoughts, have more communications outside school, and able to study the experience of others. This change is an example of “When One Door Closes Another Opens”. We close the door forĀ traditional classroom-style education and online classes create opened up more learning opportunities to education.