Hi Breanne, thank you for sharing the video. This video provides a clear definition of what is descriptive writing. The video has already set up a mini-game when learning. While I was watching this video, I actually closed my eyes to follow the description and imagine the busy city. My suggestion to this video design is that if the video asked the student to close their eyes before the photo popped up, it helps student creates better imaginations in this experiment. Overall, I agree this will be a good teaching material for your topic.

Hi Cynthia, thank you for sharing the video. I think you analyzed your video very well. You listed out most of my opinions for the response to this video. This video speed is indeed a bit too fast for me. Despite the speed in this video, missing keywords for note is also one of my concern. Just like what you said, the teacher can press the pause button to explain the definitions as well as to ensure students are following the lesson. Class group discussion is perfect for this topic since it helps students creates and gathers concepts from students who might have had more understanding and experience on affordable housing or economy topics.